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Vitamins That Aid Muscle Recovery

Unique Health And Fitness • June 1, 2019

Maintaining an exercise regimen can be difficult. Even when you schedule time, set reasonable goals, and create a good mindset. Let's be honest, when changes are made to your activity level or workout then it can be hard to get up in the morning and move, let alone exerciseif sore muscles set in.

Muscle recovery is repairing muscle and tissue, removing waste products, and reducing inflammation. It also replenishes nutrients and energy stores that are necessary for cellular activity and restoring the communication pathways between the brain and the body.

The pain can become brutal but don't give up! Sore muscles can be soothed with vitamins to help speed recovery. The post-workout recovery process is critically important if you want to continue to stay healthy and active!

Why Do Muscles Get Sore After A Workout

Aching muscles after a workout, also known as delayed onset muscle soreness (DOMS), are due to micro-tears in your muscles that occur when you put stress on them. Usually, you’ll begin to feel this soreness 24 to 48 hours after a workout. This is typically how long it takes for your body to produce inflammation as a result of that injury and cause discomfort and pain in the muscle.

Vitamins That Aid Muscle Recovery

  • Vitamin A. Vitamin A is often one of those forgotten vitamins. It’s known for its positive effects on eye health, but for athletes and bodybuilders, Vitamin A is extremely useful because it supports protein synthesis and this is essential for muscle growth and recovery. It is a fact that vitamin A is needed for the breakdown of protein during the muscle repair process. Vitamin A also has an important role in providing more structural strength to muscles. It does this by promoting bone development and stimulating young cells to mature at a quicker rate.
  • Vitamin C. Vitamin C is a strong antioxidant that works to protect muscle cells from damaging free radicals. Furthermore, it aids in the formation of testosterone and other anabolic hormones. Vitamin C also aids in collagen formation which is the primary element of connective tissue. Vitamin C becomes an essential component in bones and muscles maintaining freedom from injury. By strengthening collagen, joints are more capable of handling heavier weight resistance, with less chance of injury.
  • B Vitamins. B-complex vitamins help your cells produce usable energy so that your muscle cells have the fuel needed to repair tears. B-complex vitamins also assist your body in metabolizing amino acids and protein. This is important as repairing muscle tears requires new protein synthesis and the ability to process amino acids supports muscle repair.
  • CoQ10. CoQ10 an important antioxidant that is used throughout the body and is specifically useful to avoid muscle fatigue in athletes. It regulates inflammatory pathways in the body that increase naturally during and after exercise. As an added bonus it is also beneficial for cardiovascular health.
  • Omega 3. Omega 3's are often known for its anti-inflammatory properties, but it is also essential for hormone synthesis and improves bone repair while reducing muscle soreness.

The Takeaway

Whether you just transitioning into a more active lifestyle or have increased your workout your body will almost certainly feel and respond to the changes. Your body simply needs certain vitamins to help metabolize, replenish cellular energy and repair damaged tissues.

Making changes in your activity level can often hurt momentarily so be patient and kind to your body. Working out properly will no doubt contribute to your overall health and wellbeing and a large part of that is giving your body what it needs to recover.

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