Tim Welsh

Tim Welsh

Trainer Certifications

ISSA Certified Personal Trainer

ISSA Sport Nutritionist

ISSA Transformational Specialist

Macefit Level 1

My name is Tim Welsh, and I’m a Certified Personal Trainer and Sports Nutritionist here at Unique Fitness in Holbrook. I’ve been a Personal Trainer for 4 years now and I love what I do. But my reasons for becoming a trainer are not typical. About 4 years ago, I was honorably discharged from the U.S Army National Guard and I was at my lowest point mentally- battling depression, which in turn led to a heavy drinking problem. These two challenges added a third- weight gain and it was at this time in my life where I was at my heaviest point, and my lowest point as a human being. It was here that I became determined to better myself, and I began working full time. Working in the gym has now become my addiction. I fell in love with the gym and loved the idea of helping others through their struggles, both in and out of the gym. Helping people mentally and physically was more rewarding than I could have ever imagined. Looking back on things, I could have used someone like my current self back then to help me through those difficult times.

After healthily dropping 68 pounds in 6 months, my desire for helping other people grew. Now 4 years later, I’ve maintained that weight loss and currently am advancing my certifications and education each year. Presently, I’m a Certified Elite Level Personal Trainer, Sports Nutritionist, and a Transformational Specialist. Fun fact: I am the only Macefit Certified Coach on Long Island! Interested to learn what that means and how it can benefit you? Come find me and let’s set up a Fit X appointment today!

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