Strength training is the key to mobility, flexibility, improved performance, and reduces the risk of injury. Anyone, at any fitness level, can do strength training. And it doesn't need several hours in the gym to see results. You can learn the essentials of strength training from the comfort of your own home.
No worries if you have not done enough physical activity and built up fat reserves. Here are five quick strength-building exercises that can help you feel energized and tone your muscles at rest:
It helps you strengthen your core muscles, legs, and arms and it also increases your heart rate. It is an excellent energetic workout that stimulates motor co-ordination. Do 2-3 sets of 15-30 jumps and rest for about a minute between each set.
This exercise helps you strengthen the muscles of your buttocks, legs, and core. Take a step forward and bend your front knee on the spot or during walking. Take a big step forward with one leg and bend your knee so that it is 90 degrees angle to the ground. Bring your other leg down until it almost touches the ground and returns to the starting position. Alternate your legs with each repetition. Make sure to keep your upper body and back straight while doing this exercise. Also, your front knee should not go past your toes. You should do 2-3 sets of 10-15 reps per leg and rest for about a minute between each set. Faster movements increase your heart rate, which will help you burn more calories during and after your workout.
This workout helps you strengthen the muscles in your arms and shoulders. Hold weights or just a full water bottle and bend your elbows by keeping your arms close to your body. Then bring them straight over your head and return to the starting position. Do 2-3 sets of 10-20 reps and rest for about a minute between each set.
It helps you strengthen the muscles in your chest and the back of your arms. Use a chair or bench pressed against a wall. Place your hands on the edge of the chair, close to your buttocks, facing away from the chair. Step out with your feet until your buttocks are just a few inches from the ground. Make sure your legs are straight ahead or bent and push yourself up with your hands. Once you get up, turn to face the chair and do a push-up while keeping your hands on the chair. Alternate between these two moves and do 10-15 reps. Do 2-3 sets and rest for about a minute between each set.
This workout is excellent to strengthen the muscles in your back and abs. Place your weight on your forearms and toes, in a push-up position, holding your body above the ground. Your body should form a straight line from head to toe. Hold this position for 15-60 seconds and breathe regularly. Do 2-3 sets and rest for about a minute between each set.
Unique Fitness offers 3 locations here on Long Island, each with their own style and focus, attracting people of all different ages, fitness levels, and abilities. Contact us today to claim your free 3-day trial membership.