Jessica Jayne

Joseph Candela

Hey everyone my name is Joe Candela and I am new personal trainer over at Unique Fitness in Shirley. I fell in love with training and working out when I was a freshman in high school where I was training and lifting weights to be the best baseball player I could be! My goal at the time was to be a professional baseball player and I wanted to be bigger, faster, stronger and hit bombs, haha! That is when I fell in love with training. After my baseball career ended, I took a week off from training and found myself being very unhappy and not knowing what to do with myself and my time. A few weeks later I went back to the gym and had a great session and the light bulb went off in my head and I felt amazing. I knew that then and there the gym was going to be a part of my life from then on out. Since then I have been training and learning all about nutrition and the lifestyle that comes with it! 

Since then, I have become a sponsored trainer with 1st Phorm and I even competed in my first bodybuilding show in September and won my class! I love everything to do with fitness and what comes with it. Mindset, habits, confidence and self worth! My goal now is to coach and help share what I've learned with you and everyone I'm surrounded with to help them grow as a person and be the best possible versions of themselves in and outside of the gym while  living a better, happier life getting 1% better each day! One day at a time! One good decision at a time! One meal at a time! One training session at a time you can do it too! Win The Day!

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